Aluminium Outdoor Seating for Commercial Spaces

Each hospitality venue has its own unique needs; however, they all share one common need, and that’s the need for tables and seating to cater to their customers. Of course, when it comes to this, there are a number of minimum requirements that the seating and tables must meet to suit the needs of the hospitality industry. With most hospitality businesses expanding into the outdoors and creating alfresco dining and sitting areas, it is now more important than ever that the seating solutions are durable, versatile, and easy to maintain.

One of the most popular outdoor seating options is aluminium seating. Most commonly outdoor seating comes in the form of bench seating and park settings and while at first thought these don’t instantly jump out as typical seating solutions for hospitality venues but they can actually be the perfect addition to any alfresco dining or seating area.

Hygiene and Durability

Hygiene is extremely important in the hospitality industry especially when food is involved. You don’t want bacteria or organic matter hanging around that can lower your hygiene standards. One of the top benefits of aluminium outdoor seating is its sterile and doesn’t harbour bacteria making it perfect for outdoor eating areas.

Aluminium outdoor seating is also easy to clean which is great for busy venues. All it takes is a quick wipe down with a mild soap/disinfectant and you can seat someone new which helps to cut down your customers waiting time.

Aluminium is also an extremely durable material. It’s non corrosive properties means it can be left outdoors in the weather without the fear of it rusting or corroding. As a bonus powder coated options add an extra layer of protection from rust and corrosion. The durability of aluminium also means that it can withstand wear and tear for many years reducing how often you need to replace your outdoor furniture.


Aluminium outdoor seating is extremely versatile. Not only do you need seating that will cater to your business needs but also the varied needs of your customers. That’s where the many varied styles of aluminium outdoor seating are a great benefit. It’s important that you have seating that caters to everyone no matter what their ability is, this includes providing provisions for wheelchairs and other aids that will allow their users to sit comfortably in your space while not needing to make their own adjustments to be able to use your space. This is where wheelchair friendly options are the ideal outdoor seating solution. Not only do they provide plenty of regular seating and table space, but they also provide spaces in the seating specifically for wheelchairs, meaning someone who uses a wheelchair can wheel straight into the park setting without the need to get out of the wheelchair.

Other regular park settings are available in small and large sizes that can help accommodate any sized space.

If you have an open uncovered space, sheltered outdoor seating can be a great option to provide some shade and weather protection to your patrons to ensure that they have an enjoyable experience no matter what the weather brings.


Extra Benefits

While durability, versatility and hygiene are some of the top benefits of aluminium outdoor seating, there are many other benefits that it can provide to your hospitality business.

Aluminium is a lightweight material, which makes aluminium outdoor seating a lightweight product that is easy to move around your space should you ever want to rearrange your space.

Aluminium outdoor seating can also help you create a more welcoming and inviting outdoor space that can entice people to your business, which in turn can help increase your revenue by providing more seating to place people and making your business seem more desirable.

While they are not so good for sitting down and eating a meal, bench seating can also be useful for hospitality businesses. If you offer takeaway options or often have people waiting to be seated, bench seating can be placed in waiting areas to provide customers with a comfortable place to wait. This can also help your business seem more enticing to potential customers, as most people would rather wait in comfort than stand around awkwardly.

If you’re ready to upgrade your hospitality business’ outdoor space with aluminium outdoor seating, then look no further than SeatsPlus. Our expert team can help you find the perfect aluminium seating for your space that can help your business thrive. To upgrade your outdoor space, contact our expert team today.